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Welcome and thank you for considering me to provide professional services to your organisation or individuals within the team. I offer a range of structured and bespoke services centred on public speaking but including leadership and personal growth.

According to Billionaire Warren Buffett the most valuable skill you can develop is the skill of Public Speaking. He says, “If you cannot persuade others to back your ideas, if you cannot excite others, motivate, and inspire them, then you will never fulfil your destiny.”

I operate a learn by doing approach and in doing so coaching can be delivered to participants and delegates in several ways.

One-2-One Coaching

One-2-one coaching, and advice is provided to individuals. This could be sales people, administration staff and anything up to CE level. No two people are the same because that have different motivations and existing skill sets.

Team and Leadership Coaching

Coaching that involves tailored components specific to the business and the industry.  Not strictly limited to public speaking we can work around other issues relating to teams and people working together.

2 Day Course (In-house or Public)

A comprehensive total immersion to develop confidence in public speaking. Limited to 6-8 people this can be business specific or open to the public.

Six–to-Eight Week Course

Elements of the two-day course tailored to the business and the industry. With quite specific skills-based sessions. Limited to 6-8 people in blocks of no more than 2-hours. Often these courses are defined around the goals of the organisation and performed over a series of sessions because it is more workable for the business to maintain operations and provide the development for their team in chunks over a period of time.  

Keynote Speaking

Industry executives, managers and specialists will often be required to speak at annual and industry conferences, regional meetings and pitch their expertise and business at all levels. Speaking and communication skills are essential requirements in these situations.  I will also speak at business and community events as part of their programme.   

Online Coaching

Nowadays the ability to speak and communicate effectively online is a new dynamic in business. All the above coaching options can be performed online. I specifically have a 1 hour “fast track”, a 2 hour “intensive” or 4-hour ”premium” purchasing options that anyone can purchase but I can plan these services on a case-by-case basis.  This is particularly useful when individuals cannot meet face to face or an element of face to face and online works best.     

Master of Ceremonies

The job of a MC is to make everyone else look good. The speakers, the audience, and the organisation. A lot of time and money is invested in an event so why leave it chance. It should be one of your first steps. This truly allows executives of any organisation to engage more effectively with the people of their organisation during their event.   Events that require an MC may be conferences, product launches, award ceremonies, industry and organisation training presentations, celebration funerals, regional and national meetings.  If you have to act as a MC I have checklists and helpful guides that will help you plan and fulfil your role with confidence.   


You have eight (8) seconds to grab someone’s attention which means being compelling and concise right from the get-go.  Pitching takes on many forms from the seemingly simple informal introductions at business meetings that may be no more than 60 seconds to selling an idea, a product or service to an audience that may be online, in-person or both.  More complex pitches may be for a business start-ups and investors.  A lot can be at stake and that’s why you need to answer three questions – Why you? Why this? Why now?   To achieve that you need to focus on your message, so that it is meaningful and compelling, placing your attention where it matters.


Have you ever met someone who can just talk?  They have this unconscious charisma, a magical gift that unlocks your curiosity.  These people can hold the attention of others, are often eloquent and have you wanting more.  Stories have intrinsic power, often go unrecorded and delivered inconsistently. Yet they are an essential skill in establishing trust and rapport, inspiring action, and selling more. Facts, figures, and assertions are not out natural language.  Regardless of whether you are an experienced leader or salesperson having storytelling as a core skill will increase your ability to get your message across in a professional and concise manner.  The best leaders and sellers use stories.   There are several stories you and your team should have in their arsenal.   Stories that connect, stories that differentiate and stories that close the deal.   

  • Learning a new subject
  • Sales presentations
  • Generating leads
  • Seminars
  • Lectures
  • Pitches
  • Developing a new skill
  • Campaigns
  • Giving a Ted Talk
  • Conferences
  • Family
  • Briefings
  • Inspire and challenge attitudes
  • Promote a service or product
  • Podcasts
  • Business meetings
  • Community events